SEMS 8th Grade Awards

SEMS 8th Grade Awards 2023-24

1) Principal’s Award for 4.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) 

This top academic accolade recognizes academic excellence and achievement of high scholastic goals through hard work and dedication to learning. The award criterion is a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4.0 earned each semester the student attended San Elijo Middle School.

2) President’s Education Awards Program—Outstanding Academic Achievement

 This Gold Honor Roll Award recognizes academic success and achievement of high scholastic goals through hard work and dedication to learning. The award criterion is a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 – 4.0 earned each semester the student attended San Elijo Middle School.

3) California Junior Scholarship Federation (CJSF) Honor Award 

This certificate is earned by students who have joined CJSF for 3 semesters during 7th and 8th grade. Award criteria include qualifying grades and an application submitted each semester.

4)  Outstanding Citizenship—Teacher Award 

Citizenship Award recipients are each selected by an 8th grade teacher to recognize outstanding growth and development, tenacity, resiliency, and/or strength of character during their school years at SEMS. Recipients exemplify adaptability and strength, aligning with the SEMS vision of Complexity, Collaboration, and Character that we wish to instill in all our students.

5)  Iron Eagle Physical Education Award:

This award signifies that the student met or exceeded national fitness levels in all six events. Levels include 60-second sit-ups, shuttle run, one-mile run, push-ups, sit and reach, and pull-ups.

6)  Biliteracy Program Participation Recognition:

This award recognizes bilingual students enrolled in programs leading to biliteracy.

7)  Home Language Development Recognition:

This award recognizes Emergent Bilingual students who are continuing to develop their home language. 

8)  Biliteracy Attainment Recognition 

This award recognizes students who meet specific criteria in English and one or more additional languages. The recognition aligns with the State Seal of Biliteracy requirements and is an indication that if a student continues on this path in high school they will be prepared to meet the requirements to earn the State Seal of Biliteracy.


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