CJSF Membership

What is CJSF?
Why should I join?

California Junior Scholarship Federation or CJSF is a statewide organization whose purpose is to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship in students in grades seven and eight. (6th graders as well as first semester 7th graders have no official CJSF status.)

CJSF Membership is based on scholarship and citizenship. Membership is granted for the semester following the one in which the qualifying grades were earned. A student must apply for membership each semester they are eligible.

CJSF and CSF: Founded in 1967, the California Junior Scholarship Federation is part of CSF, the oldest scholarship institution in the state of California.

California Scholarship Federation or CSF is an honor society for high school students. Students may apply to join during 2nd semester of 9th grade (once they’ve earned high school grades) and each semester afterward for a nominal fee. Membership is noted on high school transcript and qualifies students to apply for tuition scholarships.

High School students who maintain their membership can first earn a gold tassel for their graduation mortarboard, then a Gold Honor Cord, then an Honor Stole to wear with their gown.

Benefits of joining CJSF

Students who are members of CJSF for 3 semesters are recognized with an Award Certificate at the end of their 8th grade year.

Students who participate in CJSF develop the mindset to complete applications in a timely manner and are prepared for high school CSF membership as well as meeting deadlines for club, scholarship, and college applications.

Membership in CJSF and CSF are excellent additions to future college applications and job résumés.

How to join CJSF

  • Applications are accepted only during a 10-day Membership Drive each Fall and Spring
  • Membership is open to all 8th grade students and 2nd-semester 7th graders
  • Membership is based on grades and citizenship earned during the prior semester
  • Our CJSF Application will be posted on SEMS homepage in the NEWS section
  • Students must apply for membership each semester
  • Applications are due NO LATER THAN 3 p.m. on the final day of the drive
  • Late Applications CANNOT be accepted. *This rule is strictly enforced by the state CJSF organization
  • ALL STUDENTS who apply and meet the CJSF requirements become members

CJSF Coordinator: Counselor Nicholas Vega
Email Address: [email protected]

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