Comité Asesor de Aprendices de Inglés 
English Learner Advisory Council 

At ELAC meetings, we discuss how we support your student on their journey to English proficiency. Topics covered throughout the year include the benefits of being bilingual, attendance, the reclassification process, the spring ELPAC exam, a needs assessment survey, and more.

2024-25 ELAC Meeting Dates:
September - Primera reunión de ELAC / ELAC meeting #1

Cómo utilizar ParentVUE / How to use ParentVUE

ELAC Adviser:
Assistant Principal Cheryl Sestito
[email protected] or 760.290.2813

Más información / More information: 
English Learner Resource Center

Departamento de Adquisición de Inglés como parte de Servicios de Instrucción apoya unos 4,100 estudiantes aprendiendo inglés en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Marcos. El departamento esta involucrado con una gran variedad de proyectos para mejor servir las necesidades de los estudiantes, padres, miembros de la comunidad y empleados del distrito.

The English Learner Resource Center is part of the Instructional Services Division and provides support for approximately 4,100 English learner students throughout the San Marcos Unified School District. The Resource Center is involved with a wide range of projects in an effort to meet the needs of students, parents, community members and district staff.

The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) provides parents of English Learners (EL) in the District the opportunity to participate in an educational system that might be foreign to them. State and Federal education laws require districts that have 50 or more English Learners to form a committee for the purpose of dealing with matters relevant to their needs.  

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