Below is a partial list of programs & activities run and supported by SEMS PTO:
8th Grade Promotion: Provide promoting students and their families with a fun, safe, and memorable celebration.
Academic Enrichment: Fund registration fees, faculty stipends & student awards for Geography Bee and Spelling Bee.
Library Media Center: Provide funding for adaptive furniture & new window coverings.
Mini-Grants: Provide funding for classroom, department, and school needs not provided for by the district.
Red Ribbon Week: Work with administrators on planning a week of activities to promote healthy choices and discourage drug use.
School Security: Purchase and/or provide funding for additional security measures requested by site administrators including walkie-talkies for staff, supervisors, and admin, and an additional hi-def security camera to monitor school perimeter & grounds.
Site Enhancements: Commission and pay for custom trophy case to showcase school and student program awards and recognition.
Staff Appreciation: Provide welcome back breakfast and support to teachers, administrators, and staff, and plan a week of activities to show our gratitude to teachers and staff in the spring.
Teacher & Staff Professional Development: Subsidize training programs and conference registrations for teachers and staff.
Technology: Pay for incremental and replacement Chromebooks, Chromebook carts, software licenses, subscriptions, and renewals.